Strange printing order




I have one workbook and many sheets, sheet1, sheet2, ...,sheet10. In each of
sheets I have some print areas. What I need is the order of the pages to be
for example:

page 1 and 2 form sheet2, then page 3 from sheet 10, then page 4 again from
sheet1, page 5 and 6 from sheet6, page 7 from sheet1 etc.

Also, I can not change sheets order in the workbook

Hope you understand my problem.

Is this possible at all, and if it is so does someone has a macro for this
or any suggestion.

Tx in advance

Jeff Standen

Sub PrintSheets
sheet2.PrintOut From:=1, To:=2
sheet10.PrintOut From:=10, To:=10


End Sub


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