Strange permission message


Peter L Reader

I have 2 secured 2003 databases, both using the same .mdw file. Both
databases also use DAO 3.6.
Logging in as a member of the Admin group, I have full permissions on
all the objects in both databases; I can open, read, insert, delete,
change design---everything---from the database window.

The second database has a routine where it inserts data into a table
in the first database. When I invoke this routine (again as a member
of the Admin group), I periodically get Error 3033:

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '|' object. Have
your system administrator or the person who created this object
establish the appropriate permissions for you

The first time, the error cites the table in the other database; after
closing the form, I get the error citing the form in the database I'm
signed on to, which I am actually looking at when the error appears!

The error, however, doesn't inhibit the actual update; the record is
updated as expected, but my error handler kicks in and skips some info

At other times, the update executes normally with no error
message--even in the same session. I also can manipulate data in both
tables from the database window, and the permissions on all the
objects in both system are identical. Further, I am logged on as
"developer", which owns all the objects in both systems.

Now, in my own office environment, I *never* get this error. It
started appearing when I loaded the system on my user's network
(during a demo, making me look like a complete doofus!) Since I have
never encountered this error before, I'm asking for some ideas on what
possibly could cause this, and what I can do. I hate to code in an
exception handler that basically ignores the error, but I will if I
have to .....

Joan Wild

I cannot see that you did anything wrong based on what you've told us.

Did you use the security wizard on either database?

Peter L Reader

I cannot see that you did anything wrong based on what you've told us.

Did you use the security wizard on either database?
No, I hand-built security on both databases. However, on a hunch, I
recreated the second database making sure I used the same security
file as the client (before, I used my original copy of that file), and
redid all the permissions, and the problem seems to have gone away
(subject to further testing). So, I'm guessing that there was
something different between the two copies of the security file...just
enough to inhibit my code from accessing the table in the other db,
but not enough to inhibit accessing it from the database window. Which
is weird, come to think of it....
Anyway, I'm back on track now...

Joan Wild

It can be tricky working with multiple copies of a secure mdw. I asked
about the security wizard, because it is the cause of some problems with
custom created groups using queries.

Glad you're able to sort it out.

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