Strange IE Error Message...



On some websites, I get an error message: "Internet
Explorer Cannot Open The Website (Site Address) -
Operation Aborted". Oddly, this only happens on certain
websites. After the message arrives on the screen, it
immediately kills the screen to the dreaded, "Page Cannot
Be Displayed" page. Just started happening about two
weeks ago. I keep my computer updated and protected by
Norton. I did the due diligence on Microsoft's Support
site, but found no answers. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


There are probably numerous possible causes, but just a
fewthings to check:
1.Can you access those websites from another machine or
site (eg from home if the problem is at work) This will
confirm whether it is a problem with the website or your
2. Is there a firewall enabled that is blocking access to
certain sites/ip addresses (try disabling it temporarily)
3. Is anything set in the security options for internet
explorer that would block it eg trusted/banned sites
(IE/tools/internet options/security)
4. are they sites that you know and trust - I'm thinking
of things like sites that contain activex controls etc
which may be banned by your security settings

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