Storing Data




I have created a calculation in my form simply
multiplying hourly rate * hours worked, on the form this
works just as I would expect. However, when I run my
invoice report it doesn't show the total labour charge,
it shows as zero. The total value (calculation) is not
being stored - how can I get it to store the value in the
table background when the calculation updates please? I
have some experience with VBA if this is the route I need.

Many Thanks


Graham R Seach


You shouldn't be storing a calculated value. Firstly, because it violates
one of the cardinal rules of database design, and secondly, because it can
create maintenance problems.

You should instead, re-calculate the value as needed. That is, re-calculate
the value on the report, just like you did on the form.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

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