stopping windows installer from loading a program at startup



How do I stop windows installer from loading a program at startup that does
not exist?
I tried to load the windows fax program which I do not have. Now every time
I boot up window installer tries to load the program and comes back with the
message that I must find the fax program to install it. You can't uninstall
it and you can't reinstall it to uninstall it. A very frustrating
predicament. I have searched the web for ages to try to find someone with the
solution to this problem to no avail. I think I need to edit the register,
but I don't know how. I have tried to restore numerous times to no avail. I
tried add/remove program to remove the windows software to no avail.
I used Windows Registry Repair Pro to clean out the registry, but it did not
help! I am going to put this same message on some of the other forums as I am
sick of using the task manager to kill the install error message that keeps
re-running when you press cancel
Hope someone can help me
Thanks in anticipation


Nerida said:
How do I stop windows installer from loading a program at startup that does
not exist?
I tried to load the windows fax program which I do not have. Now every time
I boot up window installer tries to load the program and comes back with the
message that I must find the fax program to install it. You can't uninstall
it and you can't reinstall it to uninstall it. A very frustrating
predicament. I have searched the web for ages to try to find someone with the
solution to this problem to no avail. I think I need to edit the register,
but I don't know how. I have tried to restore numerous times to no avail. I
tried add/remove program to remove the windows software to no avail.
I used Windows Registry Repair Pro to clean out the registry, but it did not
help! I am going to put this same message on some of the other forums as I am
sick of using the task manager to kill the install error message that keeps
re-running when you press cancel
Hope someone can help me
Thanks in anticipation

Another option is to use the windows installer clean up utility:

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

How to use the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Windows Installer Clean up Utility


Dear Rock,
Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you. You have put the smile back on my prompt :)
I will look for the 1st message I saw where someone was having a similar
problem and give him this very simple and very effective solution.
Thanks again


Nerida said:
Dear Rock,
Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you. You have put the smile back on my prompt :)
I will look for the 1st message I saw where someone was having a similar
problem and give him this very simple and very effective solution.
Thanks again

Nerida, you're most welcome, and thanks for posting back.


Hi Rock,

maybe you could help with this problem I'm having: I inadvertently removed a
program (Quicktime Player) from the Installer Clean Up list BEFORE I had
uninstalled it. Now I cannot remove Quicktime because it is not recognized as
an installed program, and I cannot reinstall it either because it is
recognized as installed. Its a catch 22, it is there and it is not there. Any



dario said:
Hi Rock,

maybe you could help with this problem I'm having: I inadvertently removed
program (Quicktime Player) from the Installer Clean Up list BEFORE I had
uninstalled it. Now I cannot remove Quicktime because it is not recognized
an installed program, and I cannot reinstall it either because it is
recognized as installed. Its a catch 22, it is there and it is not there.


Contact Apple tech support. They might have a faq or info on how to do a
manual removal and reinstall. The last option is to remove the program
files and hunt through the registry for any settings for Quicktime, but it's
easy to not get everything.

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