stopping a .bat script


Dietmar Hochsteing

Hi guys,

I've written a small batch script which itself calls Windows Scripting
Host (cscript.exe), the purpose being that a remote webcam start
broadcasting images. It all works well, but I'd like to be able to
cancel this broadcasting script via another script, as I am actually
connected to the host computer via ssh. In Unix, it'd be easy, a simple
pipe "ps x | grep <scriptname> | kill" would get the process ID and
kill it, but there is no such things on Windows. So does anyone know a
scriptable way to stop another running script?


Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sysinternals Pskill

There is an application for the Windows environment that can operate in a similar fashion to the GREP process upon a Unix box.

The application combination I use for preference is from SysInternals, called PSLIST and PSKILL.

This allows a number of options, including:

Kill process by Process ID i.e. 1024, 7876, 546, etc.
Kill process by Process Name i.e iexplore, winword, excel, etc.

The only word of warning is that is kills all process that match the specified name, so multiple copies of Microsoft Word that are running will all be terminated if you use a command such as PSKILL WINWORD.

So you could use something like this, if you want control over the termination of multiple processes at the same time:

for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%i in ('pslist ') do (
for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%y in ("%%i") do (
if "%%y"=="KILL_THIS_NAMED_PROCESS" pskill %%y
if "%%y"=="KILL_THIS_NAMED_PROCESS_2" pskill %%y





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