Stop_error, innaccessible boot device



Hello. I am new to troubleshooting problems but I have an old IBM that used
to run on Windows 2000 Pro. Now every time I try to boot up it gives me the
same error. I don't have a Windows 2000 CD but my sister's computer runs on
Windows XP. She also does not have the program on a CD. Does anyone have any
suggestions for what I should try. I'd like to fix the problem myself instead
of taking it to someone else to fix. Also, I am very close to selling my
laptop because the hardware is outdated (old processor) and I want something
that will be more reliable. Ideally, I would somehow get my computer back to
working condition before I decide what I am going to do with it.

What's in a Name?

After much thought,blindhorse aka (e-mail address removed)
came up with this jewel:
Hello. I am new to troubleshooting problems but I have an old IBM
that used to run on Windows 2000 Pro. Now every time I try to boot up
it gives me the same error. I don't have a Windows 2000 CD but my
sister's computer runs on Windows XP. She also does not have the
program on a CD. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should
try. I'd like to fix the problem myself instead of taking it to
someone else to fix. Also, I am very close to selling my laptop
because the hardware is outdated (old processor) and I want something
that will be more reliable. Ideally, I would somehow get my computer
back to working condition before I decide what I am going to do with

Your local PC repair shop may have a W2K disk that you can buy for
cheap. Or perhaps try e-bay. Your sister should ask the place she got
her system for a XP disk.

My Pages:
Virus Removal Instructions:
Keeping Windows Clean:
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specifically setup for USENET.Feel free to use it yourself.

John John

Without a Windows 2000 cd there isn't much that you can do to fix the
problem. Is there a factory restore option on the laptop? When the
computer starts is there a message telling you to press an F key to
enter the restore program? F11 for example? If you use the factory
restore option all the files on the disc will be erased and the laptop's
operating system will be returned to factory condition.

Other wise you will have to borrow a Windows 2000 cd or your could
download a set of startup floppies for Windows 2000 or Windows XP and
run a chkdsk /r on the drive. After the chkdsk issue the fixboot
command on the drive.


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