Stop Using Internet Explorer NOW!



Look at this from the perspective of a typical user:

1) They have no clue that there is another exploit
2) They don't know how to configure for High-Security
3) They don't understand trusted zone settings or how to add non-HTTPS
sites to it
4) They don't know which sites are good and which are not
5) In high-security mode, many websites are broken and don't display

FireFox, while not a perfect browser, does keep them from having to
constantly worry about the existing and new holes in the browser, the
default install will also prompt the user when updates come out (as does
Windows in most cases), and the user doesn't have to deal with many
sites not rendering properly.

We reduced service calls by 30% by switching users from IE to FireFox.

IOW, you agreed with my post! LOL!

Hey MicroCensor, are you gonna delete this whole thread now because it
was start by your arch-nemesis, KURTTRAIL the unstoppable? ROFL!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Eugene Nine

WTC said:
"IE is a Bomb!"

The "ONLY intelligent solution" is for user a to run as a limited user
(not administrator or power user) and have a properly configured Internet
Explorer. Then exploits and malware/spyware will have a very difficult
time to run or install on the computer. Firefox is not the solution.

Good thing you wrote very difficult time and not impossible here. I was
running as a non administrator with everything locked down as tight as I
could and mistyped a web site address and ended up on some porn site in
some other language and was infected with spyware before I could close the

IE is a Bomb!

The "ONLY intelligent solution" is for user a to run as a limited user (not
administrator or power user) and have a properly configured Internet
Explorer. Then exploits and malware/spyware will have a very difficult time
to run or install on the computer. Firefox is not the solution.

ROFL! You are a dunce. I didn't say that Firefox is the solution! I
said, "Dump IE! It is the ONLY intelligent solution!"

But please, be my guest and continue using IE! Some people have the
compulsion to play with fire, and you must be one of them.


IOW, you agreed with my post! LOL!

Sort of, I agree that IE is a security risk, even when properly
configured, but I also disagree without you on FireFox. I feel that
FireFox IS the solution, even with its problems.

The real issue is the morons that code sites that don't work with
mainstream browsers - the ones that did IE only testing.


Sort of, I agree that IE is a security risk, even when properly
configured, but I also disagree without you on FireFox. I feel that
FireFox IS the solution, even with its problems.

The real issue is the morons that code sites that don't work with
mainstream browsers - the ones that did IE only testing.

I think that Firefox is only PART of the solution, as the real enemy
to Inet security is homogeny, as no one browser or OS will ever be

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."

IE is a Bomb!

How about that, a beta with bugs, what are they thinking?
Can we file this post under useless, uninformed ramblings?

Sure! Your post is a useless, uninformed rambling.

Telling the masses to install a beta as a workaround to the latest
trio of IE wholes is just shear negligence.

Both Google and MS should be horsewhipped for bringing Betas to the
masses of computer illiterati. The ignorant should NEVER be
encouraged to install software that is still in the testing phase.


IE is a Bomb! said:

Both Google and MS should be horsewhipped for bringing Betas to the
masses of computer illiterati. The ignorant should NEVER be
encouraged to install software that is still in the testing phase.

I've always gotten a kick out of companies, such as Microsoft, that
have the masses test their software for them, at no charge, *then*
charge those same individuals full price for the final product.



We all know this Version of I.E. is in_SDK_Deve. Will never meet the
expatations of Modzilla Firefox. Well...... Woz

IE is a Bomb!

Of course one of MS's solutions is to download and use its buggy beta
of IE7, that's how much they care about its users!

Use any browser that doesn't use the IE engine at all. I use Firefox,

Anyone that uses IE is asking for problems, and MS is too slow to get
out a patch to its users. Dump IE! It is the ONLY intelligent

For anyone foolish enough to use IE, and want to keep active scripting
enabled, eEye has come up with a temp patch, until MS can get around
to plugging its IE security disaster.

Why MS isn't doing the same is beyond me! MS must be trying to drum
up business for its new line of security products! ;-)


Of course one of MS's solutions is to download and use its buggy beta
of IE7, that's how much they care about its users!

Use any browser that doesn't use the IE engine at all. I use Firefox,

Anyone that uses IE is asking for problems, and MS is too slow to get
out a patch to its users. Dump IE! It is the ONLY intelligent

Actually, the only "intelligent solution" is to use a good anti-virus program and a 1st rate
firewall. All other problems generally lie between the chair and the keyboard.

If you're so unhappy with MS, buy a Gameboy and your only worries will be batteries.


...well, there are in the spyware business now! Think about it, if they fixed
their software they could not sell you anti-spyware for it!



Although I agree with part of your statement (run uses with non-priv
accounts) I beg to differ on the Firefox comment. Firefox is a much better
product and has not had 10% of the security problems IE has. Face it, facts
are facts, regardless of personal feelings....



ROFL! You are a dunce. I didn't say that Firefox is the solution! I
said, "Dump IE! It is the ONLY intelligent solution!"

But please, be my guest and continue using IE! Some people have the
compulsion to play with fire, and you must be one of them.


You have to remember that locking things down is the best you can do. That
does not imply that you are 100% secure. Someday, maybe, Microsoft will
take security seriously...and patch management...maybe I am asking for too



You know, I have always laughed at that too!
I've always gotten a kick out of companies, such as Microsoft, that
have the masses test their software for them, at no charge, *then*
charge those same individuals full price for the final product.



Unk wrote:

Actually, the only "intelligent solution" is to use a good anti-virus
program and a 1st rate

Um no. there's that OTHER Operating System. And I'm not talking MAC here
either. And that's a FAR more intelligent solution.


My reply is at the bottom of your message :

IOW, you agreed with my post! LOL!

No , it is not a solution ! The onliest and 100% sure solution is everyone
to be extremely careful where they go and what install ! Nobody keeps a gun
next to you and noone tells you : Hey , click here ,download that or I'll
kill you !!! Rrrrr!!!

No ! We must be careful as always.Although running in limited user can help
, in Windows XP it is not useful for the majority users because we use our
admin priviladges daily and cannot switch users every 5 minutes.

My favourite browser is Internet Explorer and ALL browsers have security
holes in them.Many holes are currently unknown and will be found in the
future.Microsoft consists of people . Mr.Bill Gates in a human like all of us
and we all people do wrongs.Microsoft is not sleeping and they are doing fix.

Firefox will stop some spyware if we stick with spyware page but we won't
stick if we are careful ! ! !



My reply is at the bottom of your message :

No , it is not a solution ! The onliest and 100% sure solution is everyone
to be extremely careful where they go and what install ! Nobody keeps a gun
next to you and noone tells you : Hey , click here ,download that or I'll
kill you !!! Rrrrr!!!

And the safest way of not killing yourself in a shower, is not taking
a shower.

We are human beings and part of being human is living life taking
risks. A life lived without taking risks is pathetic, and smelly. ;-)
No ! We must be careful as always.Although running in limited user can help
, in Windows XP it is not useful for the majority users because we use our
admin priviladges daily and cannot switch users every 5 minutes.

You mean you don't want to switch users.
My favourite browser is Internet Explorer and ALL browsers have security
holes in them.Many holes are currently unknown and will be found in the
future.Microsoft consists of people . Mr.Bill Gates in a human like all of us
and we all people do wrongs.Microsoft is not sleeping and they are doing fix.

The problem with IE is that when a hole is discovered, it potentially
effects 85% of the entire worlds PCs. That is just too attractive and
easy target to hit for malware writers. Yes, no software is perfect,
but it is IE's market share that makes it ten, twenty, maybe a
hundred-fold more vulnerable than any other browser.
Firefox will stop some spyware if we stick with spyware page but we won't
stick if we are careful ! ! !


An no sex is safer than safe sex, but safe sex is a hell of a lot more

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."

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