Stop the "Personal" sheet from popping up every time I open a work


George B

Thanks in advance for your time and help. I am learning so much in
Excel, that I sometimes get jumbled up. I am learning macros and added one to
a workbook. It worked well, but was not the exact function that I wanted. I
deleted that macro, and the workbook. I had clicked on a box, along the way,
that asked me if I wanted to store the macro to a "personal" page". I had
clicked yes. Now when I open up any of my Excel workbooks, my "personal page"
loads first, then the workbook I want. I have no macros in any workbooks
presently. How can I stop this page from loading? I looked in my VB editor
(off the tools menu button) and have no macros stored there. Please help me
from going completely nuts, trying to figure out my mistake.

Ron de Bruin

Looks like you unhide your personal file(this is a hidden workbook)

When you open Excel and you see PERSONAL.XLS(B) in the title bar you can use this to hide it.

Excel 97-2003: Window>Hide
Excel 2007 : On the View tab in the window group choose Hide

Then close Excel and say Yes to save the changes to your PERSONAL file.

See this page also

George B

THANK YOU Mr. Ron. Not only was that a fast answer, but it fixed my problem.
Ever see a 6'6" man do a cartwheel? I could about right now, I am so happy.
Thanks and have a Blessed Holiday.

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