Stop text resizing on 2-column slides




On our slide masters, all five bullet levels of the master text styles are set to 22 point Arial (which is the smallest that we ever want bullet text to be, no matter what indentation level it is, according to our in-house style guide rules)

When I make a 1-column slide, all is fine ... the text is 22 point Arial

But when I use the 2-column slide type, the text changes to 20 point. We absolutely don't want this to happen, but I can't seem to locate how to stop it. Yes, I know we can manually change it after the slide is created, but we are trying to make this a no-brainer for our user group

In Tools, AutoCorrect Options, Apply as you type: AutoFit title text to placeholder and AutoFit body text to placeholder are both unticked

Any help would be appreciated


TAJ Simmons


Try also unticking the "Autofit bulleted and numbered lists".

If that does not do it...try unticking the

Tools > Options > Spelling and Style
- Check Style option

I think that last option on highlights things that falls out of those
options (just like mis spelled words get that wiggly underline). But I could
be wrong!

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

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Echo S

Sam, the two-column layout automatically makes the size of the text
smaller -- 2 points, I think, but that variance may depend on the size
of the text in the first place. I think the smaller size is probably
hard-coded into PPT, and I don't know of any way to change it.

Sorry. Maybe there's a VBA solution.


VBA could check each text box whenever it is selected and set a minimum font
size. This would be a special add-in you could have written for you.

The add-in will need to be able to capture the selection action to trigger
the macro, and the macro would have to check the text box, letter by letter
for font sizes under minimum and adjust, if needed. It would be a little
ugly to write. Doable, but not easy.


Echo S said:
Sam, the two-column layout automatically makes the size of the text
smaller -- 2 points, I think, but that variance may depend on the size
of the text in the first place. I think the smaller size is probably
hard-coded into PPT, and I don't know of any way to change it.

Sorry. Maybe there's a VBA solution.


On our slide masters, all five bullet levels of the master text styles
are set to 22 point Arial (which is the smallest that we ever want bullet
text to be, no matter what indentation level it is, according to our
in-house style guide rules).absolutely don't want this to happen, but I can't seem to locate how to stop
it. Yes, I know we can manually change it after the slide is created, but we
are trying to make this a no-brainer for our user group.


Thanks for your suggestions, TAJ ... here are the results

* autofit bulleted and numbered lists didn't resolve it
* style option requires enabling of the Office Assistant to make the style change suggestions ... my peers won't let me do this, everybody hates the Office Assistant at my work :) We haven't even got it installed! I intend to try it out at home anyway (I quite like the Cat Assistant myself :), but the trouble with this solution at work is you then have to go through every 2-columned slide and force the return-to-style and this is quite time-consuming in long presentations ... our users won't like it at all, I suspect.

----- TAJ Simmons wrote: ----


Try also unticking the "Autofit bulleted and numbered lists"

If that does not do it...try unticking th

Tools > Options > Spelling and Styl
- Check Style optio

I think that last option on highlights things that falls out of thos
options (just like mis spelled words get that wiggly underline). But I coul
be wrong

TAJ Simmon
microsoft powerpoint mv

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds
free powerpoint templates, tutorials, hints and tips et


Thanks Echo and B for your ideas. I'll talk to our VBA guru and see if they feel like working on this

----- B wrote: ----

VBA could check each text box whenever it is selected and set a minimum fon
size. This would be a special add-in you could have written for you

The add-in will need to be able to capture the selection action to trigge
the macro, and the macro would have to check the text box, letter by lette
for font sizes under minimum and adjust, if needed. It would be a littl
ugly to write. Doable, but not easy

Echo S said:
Sam, the two-column layout automatically makes the size of the tex
smaller -- 2 points, I think, but that variance may depend on the siz
of the text in the first place. I think the smaller size is probabl
hard-coded into PPT, and I don't know of any way to change it
Sorry. Maybe there's a VBA solution
Sam wrote
are set to 22 point Arial (which is the smallest that we ever want bulle
text to be, no matter what indentation level it is, according to ou
in-house style guide rules)absolutely don't want this to happen, but I can't seem to locate how to sto
it. Yes, I know we can manually change it after the slide is created, but w
are trying to make this a no-brainer for our user group

John Langhans [MSFT]

Hello Sam,

PowerPoint does not have the specific capability that you are looking for.
The default 2-column text font sizes are determined algorithmically in
PowerPoint based on the font sizes in the Object Area for AutoLayouts in
the Slide Master (something like 11/12ths of size rounded to nearest
integer). The same algorithm applies to any placeholder text other than on
layouts where there are multiple placeholders in the object area.

If you (or anyone else reading this message) think that PowerPoint should
provide an option whereby the default fonts size is the same regardless of
layout used (without have to resort to workarounds, VBA or 3rd party
add-ins), don't forget to send your feedback to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
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