Stop Printer


Cari \(MS-MVP\)

You can just stop the Printer Spooler by typing Net Stop Spooler at the
Start Run or the Command Prompt.

Trevor L.

Thank you.
That was mainly what I was looking for. I can put it into a .bat file and
create a shortcut to it.

However, I seem to recall that I need to clear the buffers as well and the
code I recall had some extra statements to pause for several seconds and
then restart the printer

Would this be something like:
pause 10
net start printer

And would this clear the printer buffers?


Try this

@echo off
net stop "print spooler"
del /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\spool\PRINTERS\*.*"
net start "print spooler"
ping localhost -n 5 > nul

I got it from a MS newsgroup a while ago.


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