Stop Error Code 0*000000C5



Hi all...

My problem persists and it's driving me insane...
Can ANYONE help please...?

OK... I have Win Xp Pro. P4 2.8GHz cpu, 2GB Kingston
Ram, SATA RAID HDD's, Gigabyte MB 8IK1100 (I flashed BIOS
today with latest version).

My problem was predominantly with NERO v6.3.1.17
(latest). Each time I used it, either during a process
or just after, I get the Blue screen!

***Stop Error: 0*000000C5 (parameter1, Parameter2,
Parameter3, Parameter4)

Beginning Dump of Physical Memory! ***

I dont have other burning software installed. Each time
I restart the PC, the microsoft error report generated
CD Recording Driver error.....visit
I did that and Dloaded AFS latest driver update and I
still get the blue screen. I disabled IMAPI Burning in
Services...and still the same. My problem persists like
a bad headache!

What can I do? Please help! Anyone...

Thank you to anyone who can help.

Kind Regards,

PS. Thanks to (e-mail address removed) and
(e-mail address removed) for their
previous attempt to help me.


Alex Nichol

Serg said:
My problem persists and it's driving me insane...
Can ANYONE help please...?

OK... I have Win Xp Pro. P4 2.8GHz cpu, 2GB Kingston
Ram, SATA RAID HDD's, Gigabyte MB 8IK1100 (I flashed BIOS
today with latest version).

My problem was predominantly with NERO v6.3.1.17
(latest). Each time I used it, either during a process
or just after, I get the Blue screen!

***Stop Error: 0*000000C5 (parameter1, Parameter2,
Parameter3, Parameter4)

Beginning Dump of Physical Memory! ***

I dont have other burning software installed. Each time
I restart the PC, the microsoft error report generated
CD Recording Driver error.....visit

The meaning of the C5 code is given at
as "An attempt occurred to touch invalid memory at a process IRQL that
is too high. This is almost always caused by drivers that have corrupted
the system pool. If you’ve recently installed any new software, check to
see if it’s properly installed; and check for updated drivers on the
manufacturer’s web site."

This is probably some left over driver for the CD burner, that is
interfering with Nero. First uninstall Nero, then To tidy up, get a
registry patch file, cdgone.reg, from, extract it, r-click on it and merge
it into the registry and reboot

Then reinstall Nero, first checking at that you have a
version that *does* include support for your drive

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