Stolen machine, who owns software?



GO said:
I guess I should have refreshed my list before posting. You've made
the same point as me. Thanks for the support :)


But don't feel you should post just because someone's made the same
point. As you can see it hasn't stop those with the totally lame
analogies! :)

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Bruce said:
No one has claimed that stolen property becomes the property of the
thief. But the simple fact is that the thief has physical possession
of said property, and the victim doesn't. So, obviously, the victim
cannot use an item that is not in his possession.

But the copy of software is still in the victims posession, Brucey. The
only thing stopping the OP is nonsensical rules of MS, who doesn't even
support OEM software to begin with!
The situation admittedly becomes murkier when dealing with software,
but the facts remain.

Yes, the fact that the victum in this case, still has possession of the
copies of software and is being victimized a second time due to MS's
bogus OEM rules on software it doesn't even support!
Remember, the installation CD does *not*
represent the software license, the Product Key and CoA do. And, in
the case of an OEM installation, these *were* stolen along with the

Not Office! That PK is on the CD case. And how do you know the OP did
remove the stickers off the computers, so that their employees don't
copy the PKs for their own use?

There is no rule that says that the stickers must remain on the case.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


kurttrail said:
There is no rule that says that the stickers must remain on the case.

Mine's in a safe place nowhere near the computer. No stickers on my case.


Al Smith

Wonder why Dell, Gateway, MS, Symantec and all the other conglomerates
that have abandoned the American worker and gone the outsource route
have not gone on and moved their corporate orifices to third world
countries? I mean, just like the outsourced tech labor, the costs
would be a big savings. They could get a nice bungalow for pennies on
the dollar for their corporate orifice and use child prison labor to
handle the sales phones while running ads in American Magazines
showing well dressed American Men and Women in nice plush offices
overlooking a fake cityscape of an American City dealing with the
public while smiling and showing their bright white bleached teeth.

I detect a little frustration and hostility toward corporate
America, there, pardner. Join the club. :)


Not for one nano second. Hacked XPs don't even ask to be activated.

That was the one I saw on TV. The lady doing the interviewing said
that you simply get a small little utility that you run against XP
somehow and it makes it where XP doesn't even ask to be activated.
She also said that this and 100's of other ways can be downloaded all
over the Internet. So, I went looking and found out she was telling
the truth. Seems as though hackers/pirates aren't exchanging bogus
codes any more, they are just making it where no code is necessary at
MS claims that piracy is hurting profits. Horsepucky:

Well, it just may be. And, if it is, just how does running the honest
buyers of the software through this activation gimmick change that?
What their activation and Window Verification scams do is increase MS'
profits by making paying customers buy more unnecessary copies of XP, not
stop pirates. This is probably the biggest PR fiasco MS has come up with
since its inception.

Well, it won't work with me. I OWN two copies of XP. Since I paid
for them, I claim OWNERSHIP to them and all rights to use them for my
own use on my own personal systems no matter how MS might wish to
twist it all around with their fat faced lawyer talk. If MS decides
to refuse me that right, then I now know where those little utilities
are that will let me continue to use a product that I have already
paid for.

Don't get me wrong, each one of my copies will never be on more than
one machine (each) at a time. No copies will ever be distributed.
But if some jerk swipes my computer(s) or they blow up or get damaged
or any other of a 100 different ways that a system can be made
unusable, I still have the original disks in a bank vault so I STILL
OWN the software and will use it on my replacement systems no matter
what MS tries to pull on me. If they refuse, I'll just rustle me up
one of those hacker's utilities because... I PAID FOR THIS SOFTWARE!



There is no rule that says that the stickers must remain on the case.

The stickers to both of my legally paid for copies of XP are still
with the software packages and original CD's stashed in a bank vault.
I have a note in each package that lets me know which copy is
installed on which computer.



No one has claimed that stolen property becomes the property of the

Donald did.
The situation admittedly becomes murkier when dealing with software,
but the facts remain. Remember, the installation CD does *not*
represent the software license, the Product Key and CoA do. And, in the
case of an OEM installation, these *were* stolen along with the computer.

I'm assuming that since the OP has the CD he still has the key, which leads
us back to square one where I think he should be able to install it on a new

We're just running around in circles here. Yes, MS says it's wrong but I
happen to disagree and I like to offer my opinion to possible some of these

Donald L McDaniel

GO said:
Donald did.

I'm assuming that since the OP has the CD he still has the key, which
leads us back to square one where I think he should be able to
install it on a new PC.

We're just running around in circles here. Yes, MS says it's wrong
but I happen to disagree and I like to offer my opinion to possible
some of these sheeple.

I did NOT say that stolen software belongs to the thief. I EMPHATICALLY
stated that stolen software belongs to the one who was robbed. I gave two
examples to prove it. In addition, I asked what the teachers are teaching
our youth nowadays. From your inability to compreheand just what I said, I
really wonder. If you can't understand that stolen property never becomes
the property of the thief, even tho he has possession of it, you are lost
for sure.

Do NOT lie about people. If you couldn't understand my post, perhaps you
should go back and take a few courses in English comprehension.


Donald L McDaniel said:
I did NOT say that stolen software belongs to the thief. I EMPHATICALLY
stated that stolen software belongs to the one who was robbed. I gave two
examples to prove it. In addition, I asked what the teachers are teaching
our youth nowadays. From your inability to compreheand just what I said, I
really wonder. If you can't understand that stolen property never becomes
the property of the thief, even tho he has possession of it, you are lost
for sure.

Do NOT lie about people. If you couldn't understand my post, perhaps you
should go back and take a few courses in English comprehension.

Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread,
so that the thread may be kept intact.

My deepest apologies Donald, I completely misread your post.




My deepest apologies Donald, I completely misread your post.

I see people misreading and misquoting posts all the time on the NGs.
I have done it and it is done to me all the time. However, one rarely
sees the one that did the misreading and/or misquoting apologize for
what happened especially after they get blasted real good for doing

My hat is off to you for having the courtesy to openly address what
happened and to apologize for it.

Best Regards,

Donald L McDaniel

GO said:
My deepest apologies Donald, I completely misread your post.



Thank you for your heart-felt apology, Greg. I really appreciate it. I
realize now that you just mis-read my post.

I can put up with most anything with equanamity. I can overlook many
offenses, and have in my 59 years.

I don't mind being corrected when I am wrong. Your apology has served as an
avenue for the Holy Spirit to correct me. I should not have reacted so
emotionally. I do tend to "shoot from the hip". I realize I have been
wrong in many cases, and always expected to be corrected.

I always react badly when I feel someone has lied about me. St. Peter tells
us to be willing to be persecuted and accept the persecution like Christ did
(quietly and gracefully). I realize that I fall very short in this area of
my life. Please pray for me, that I would overcome the problem with pride I
fight against always. Also pray for me that I would be more capable in
discerning between a simple misunderstanding of my words and an attack
against me.


Donald L McDaniel said:
Thank you for your heart-felt apology, Greg. I really appreciate it. I
realize now that you just mis-read my post.

I can put up with most anything with equanamity. I can overlook many
offenses, and have in my 59 years.

I don't mind being corrected when I am wrong. Your apology has served as an
avenue for the Holy Spirit to correct me. I should not have reacted so
emotionally. I do tend to "shoot from the hip". I realize I have been
wrong in many cases, and always expected to be corrected.

I always react badly when I feel someone has lied about me. St. Peter tells
us to be willing to be persecuted and accept the persecution like Christ did
(quietly and gracefully). I realize that I fall very short in this area of
my life. Please pray for me, that I would overcome the problem with pride I
fight against always. Also pray for me that I would be more capable in
discerning between a simple misunderstanding of my words and an attack
against me.

Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread,
so that the thread may be kept intact.

We're all human here (with the possible exception to some of the Microsoft
drones the frequent the group :) and we all make mistakes so don't feel
badly. I wasn't upset or offended by your earlier remarks but was still
obliged to apologize. It's very easy to "shoot from the hip" in these
groups as it is such an impersonal medium; I've been known to do it myself
from time to time :)




Shooter said:
I see people misreading and misquoting posts all the time on the NGs.
I have done it and it is done to me all the time. However, one rarely
sees the one that did the misreading and/or misquoting apologize for
what happened especially after they get blasted real good for doing

My hat is off to you for having the courtesy to openly address what
happened and to apologize for it.

Best Regards,

I only do what I feel is right.

Now only if MS would do the same and stop screwing it's customers! :)


Now only if MS would do the same and stop screwing it's customers! :)

That is where you and MS differ. It would appear that you have moral
integrity while MS.... well.....


Kevin Brunt (Fat B@stard)!!

Michael Stevens (MVP - Most Valuable Pirate) is the sole distributor of a
pirating tool called ViewKey which allows anybody to get serial numbers from
systems! There is no need to have a sticker on the case. God knows why did
Uncle Bill decided to encrypt the serial numbers once installed when there
are tools out there, dare I say distributed by MVPs, to decrypt them!!
Perhaps uncle Bill did this for pleasure!!!


Kevin said:
Michael Stevens (MVP - Most Valuable Pirate) is the sole distributor
of a pirating tool called ViewKey which allows anybody to get serial
numbers from systems! There is no need to have a sticker on the
case. God knows why did Uncle Bill decided to encrypt the serial
numbers once installed when there are tools out there, dare I say
distributed by MVPs, to decrypt them!! Perhaps uncle Bill did this
for pleasure!!!

None of the tools on Michael Stevens web site are tools that can
directly be used to pirate anything. That he hosts tools that help
people that lost the PKs, and helps them move to non-pirated
installations should be applauded by all people who aren't

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Opinicus said:
Please prevent anyone from using the

<[email protected]>

address. It is far too amenable to abuse by slimeballs.

And while we are going around blocking addresses, how about blocking all
the mamby-pamby wusses that use spamcop! Bunch of tattletales and
narcs, that misuse spamcop to turn in legitimate newsgroup posters!

Don't you know how to set up a block senders list, WussyBoy? Just ask!
I'm always happy to help people hide their heads up their own asses!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

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