Steps to determine # of days between dates



I am in need of very specific steps (yes, I am new and still learning!) of
how to
determine the number of days between "today's date" and another specified
date "date filed".

Bottom line, I need to prepare a report showing all cases that have been on
file over 100 days.

thank you!!

karl dewey

Just subtract the two dates bearing in mind that subtracting 2/25/2009 from
2/26/2009 equals 1, so you need to add one day.


yes, I know I need to do that. I need to know how :)
What is the formula?

What is "DateFiled"? A field in a table, or a value you wish to enter
when the query is run?
A field in a table?
Using an Unbound text control:
=[Date() - [DateFiled]

or in a query:

Note that Date() is a built-in function which will return the current

If you wish to be prompted (in a query) to enter the date, then use:
DaysElapsed:Date() - [What Date?]

The date entered must be in US date format of mm/dd/yyyy or in an
unequivocal format, such as yyyy/mm/dd.

John W. Vinson

I am in need of very specific steps (yes, I am new and still learning!) of
how to
determine the number of days between "today's date" and another specified
date "date filed".

Bottom line, I need to prepare a report showing all cases that have been on
file over 100 days.

thank you!!

Create a Query based on your table. Select whatever fields you want to see on
the report (you may well want to Join this table to other tables).

In the Criteria line underneath [date filed] type

< Date() - 100

This query will now retrieve all records older than 100 days.

Base your report on the query.

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