

Super Slueth


I had a problem with a PC that wouldn't start up.

I replaced the hive files (system, software, sam, security and
default) with the ones from the repair directory and it now starts.

I made backups on the old files before changing them

My question is how can i get back to the point before the crash

All my restore point have gone.

Do i have to repleace all these files in one go or can i change them
one by one till i find the one that caused the crash.

The data on the disk looks intact

is there a copy of the registry files somewhere on the hard disk that
i can copy back then reboot back into the state before the crash

any ideas on this please

many thanks in advance


Hi Super Slueth,

Follow the instructions in Parts Two, Three and Four of "Manual steps to
recover a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting" in this
MSKB article:

How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from



seems you did ok
with trying to repair your

but you may have had
better options than using
an older registry hive that
has no data of your third
party programs.

your only choice is to
use your backups.

if they restore your system
but also reinstate the corruption,
then you can do a windows repair install
which will repair the o.s. but preserve
your other programs as well.

maybe there is a slim chance that
there is an alternative to the above.

if the restore points/files
are still on the harddrive and are not
on your restore calendar, you might
be able to rebuild/fix the calendar.

go to doug knox's website and
look through the mvp's archives to see
if the fix or repair system
restorecalendar.exe is still avail.


I had a problem with a PC that wouldn't start up.

I replaced the hive files (system, software, sam, security and
default) with the ones from the repair directory and it now starts.

I made backups on the old files before changing them

My question is how can i get back to the point before the crash

All my restore point have gone.

Do i have to repleace all these files in one go or can i change them
one by one till i find the one that caused the crash.

The data on the disk looks intact

is there a copy of the registry files somewhere on the hard disk that
i can copy back then reboot back into the state before the crash

any ideas on this please

many thanks in advance

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