Startup problem



so far, no good...

When I start my computer, it boot twice.
The second time, it boots to completion
Here's how it goes:

Start computer.
POST is successful,
Welcome screen is fine,
Show desktop,
Startup music,
start loading programs (AOL IM, set current time, etc)
get to some point (hear several "pops" indicating starting programs, etc)
then get blank screen,
computer does a cold boot complete with POST.
now the system boots completely.

The Event viewer shows:

"first entry"

Event Type: Information
Event Source: EventLog
Event Category: None
Event ID: 6005
Date: 3/28/2004
Time: 4:17:52 PM
User: N/A
Computer: PRIMARY
The Event log service was started.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

"second entry"

Event Type: Information
Event Source: EventLog
Event Category: None
Event ID: 6009
Date: 3/28/2004
Time: 4:17:52 PM
User: N/A
Computer: PRIMARY
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 5.01. 2600 Service Pack 1 Uniprocessor Free.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

"third entry"

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Dhcp
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1002
Date: 3/28/2004
Time: 4:17:54 PM
User: N/A
Computer: PRIMARY
The IP address lease for the Network Card with
network address XXXXXXXXXXXX has been denied by the DHCP
server (The DHCP Server sent a DHCPNACK message).

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I don't think the error entrys is causing the problem.
I disconnected the network cable, started up,
and observed the same "double boot".

The sticky part of the problem is that the double boot
doesn't happen all the time.
The computer seems to have to be left off for a while before
it will misbehave again.

is there a way to get a more detailed list of program events
occuring in the startup log to see what's happening?



The next step is to start your computer without any extra programs
starting. The easiest way to do this is with msconfig. Go to Start,
Run, and type "msconfig" without quotes. Click on the Startup tab, and
disable all items. Click OK, and restart your computer. If it boots
fine, you know one of the startup programs is your culprit. To
determine which one, re-enable one at a time, rebooting after each
enable. To shorten the process, you can enable half the programs, then
half the remaining, etc.

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