Starting a process from an ASP.Net application

  • Thread starter PaulK via
  • Start date

PaulK via

I try to start an Authorware player from an ASP.Net application. The program
starts (I can see it in the task manager) but nothing happens on the screen.
I tried with Internet Explorer but the same happens.
I use the follwing code and i tried to manipulate the parameters but nothing

Dim shellInfo As New Process
shellInfo.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Authorware4Play\AdViewS.exe"
'shellInfo.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Authorware4Play\AdViewS.exe"
shellInfo.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = False ' I tried with
shellInfo.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False ' I tried with true
shellInfo.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False ' I tried with true
shellInfo.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

Hope someone can help.


Kevin Spencer

Hi PaulK,

Imagine that you work at a television station. The television station
broadcasts televsion shows over a satellite hoskup. People have satellite
dishes that receive the broadcast. Now, while you're on break, you turn on
your radio. Why don't the people in their homes hear your radio? Answer:
Because your station isn't broadcasting the output from your radio.

The same goes for using a prgram like the Authorware Player. First, it has
to run on the client (it is like a receiver, or television, in my analogy).
Second, the content has to be broadcast from the server, not the Player
itself. You can find out more about how to use the Authorware Player at:


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.


Remember that the ASPX page executes server side and sends the resulting
HTML code client side.

For now, you are trying to launch the player server side.

Instead you should likely send the browser an object HTML tag so that the
player is created in the web page at the client location...


Bruce Barker (or any service for that matter) can not successfully start window
based programs, becauase the program will not have access to the desktop
and will not be able to open a window. most window programs die a horrible
death or hang when they fail to open a window.

-- bruce (

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