Start up madness



I am using a friends computer. He has windows xp and high
speed access. When we start up the computer, a bunch of
windows pop up. Things like a "weather bug" and aol
messenger and aol buddy list, MSN Today... He has a lot
of programs installed to his hard drive, but he wants to
be able to CHOOSE them fresh every time he starts up his
How do we get it so it starts with a fresh empty desk top?
we don't want any programs automatically launched!
Deep Kindness,

Mike P

try looking in each programs settings or options menu for
something like launch on system startup,or simalar
wording, for the programs that dont have such an option
try start>run>type in msconfig>then press ok, click on
the startup tab and uncheck the programs you dont want to
start up then click apply



You've got your work cut out for you and your friend. First off, locate the
icons in the system tray and right click them for "settings" or "customize" or
"options". If they are well written, you should see an option to disable
"startup when windows starts". If they do not offer that option, then click
start, scroll startup and right click any shortcut and choose delete. Lastly, go
to start>run>type "msconfig". Click the startup tab, and uncheck any remaining
programs you want to prevent from starting. That should get you started for now.
Kelly's site has more detailed information regarding the use of the msconfig
tool and the options to permanently disable the automatic startups. Check for details.



| Hi,
| I am using a friends computer. He has windows xp and high
| speed access. When we start up the computer, a bunch of
| windows pop up. Things like a "weather bug" and aol
| messenger and aol buddy list, MSN Today... He has a lot
| of programs installed to his hard drive, but he wants to
| be able to CHOOSE them fresh every time he starts up his
| computer.
| How do we get it so it starts with a fresh empty desk top?
| we don't want any programs automatically launched!
| Deep Kindness,
| Molly

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