Start-Up Failure; Cannot login successfully as computer will re-st



I am having trouble loging in as a user using a Windows 2000 Professional

I get to the login page and use my user ID and password, and the computer
begins to open my desktop, but before completion, the scdreen turns black and
the computer reboots and starts the whole process over.

I can login as another user and in safe mode completely, and have done disk
repasir and start up in last good configuration, but to no avail. Whenever I
try to login as my primary user, it reboots.

Can anyone help? THANKS!


it's probably something that was set to load for that account.

login as administrator and check the startup menu in start menu -> programs.
remove anything that looks suspicisous

it maybe a spyware app. run a scanner such as adaware or spybot s&d

if those don't find anything, you'll have to look throught the 'run' section
of the registry. WARNING - you can seriously ruin your Windows installation
if you misuse the registry editor. take the following steps at your own risk.

go to start -> run and type regedit

you will see 2 'folders' for each user account on your computer
1 which is a long string of letters/numbers, and the second which matches
the first, but has _classes appended at the end.

the key that ends in 500 is the administrator account. no need to worry
about that key.

expand one of the others and go to the following key:

remove anything that looks suspicious.

do the same for any other keys in HKEY_USERS

hope that helps

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