Standby Not Functioning after 2 minutes

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Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support
From: (e-mail address removed) - Find messages by this author
Date: 13 Oct 2005 19:05:38 -0700
Local: Thurs, Oct 13 2005 10:05 pm
Subject: Standby only fuctions at 2 minutes
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I have a strange problems on both my PC and Laptop, one running XP Home
and the other running XP pro. Both of these machines will not enter
standy mode if the setting is any greater than 2 minutes. 3,5,10,15,45
minutes, it doesn't matter, the computer just runs indefinitely. At 1
or 2 minutes, the computer will standy automatically.

The only thing I can pinpoint with both machines is that they are or
had been running a version of Cisco Systems VPN Client, version 4.0.3.
The XP Home machine used to standby just fine, but I installed the VPN,
it never fully installed due to a digital driver signing issue, and it
hasn't worked since then. I tried to uninstall the VPN client on the
XP Home machine but Inot sure it is totally clean, I have to have it on
the laptop with XP Pro for school.

Has any one else encountered this? I have been googling to no avail to
try and find an answer. Both Gateway and Dell Tech support has been
very little help.

Thank you,
There is a known issue with the "Inactivity" timer in XP getting reset
by some system activities. However, I believe that KB article stated
the issue would be for 45 minutes or greater. In that case it had to
do with XP waiting for inactivity to perform house keeping activities.
I would probably check Cisco's support site for updates or a article
that discusses power saving mode(s).