Standard numbers



We receive new cases everyday. What I wish to do is have
the standard number with a hyphen (03-)to appear upon
entering the new cases. ex. 03-??, 03-???. The standard
number is the year the other numbers are added. How do I
do this?

Jim Kennedy

One thing you can do is set the default value of the text
box to this:

Format(Date(),"yy" & "-")

John Vinson

We receive new cases everyday. What I wish to do is have
the standard number with a hyphen (03-)to appear upon
entering the new cases. ex. 03-??, 03-???. The standard
number is the year the other numbers are added. How do I
do this?

This kind of "intelligent key" is somewhat frowned upon: you're
storing two pieces of data in one field. If it's needed for
compatibility with an existing paper system it's forgivable, but it
still appears on the Inquisition's list of venial sins. Ego absolvo
te, filia!

What you can do if you want to manually enter the ??? portion is to
set the Default property of the Form textbox to

Format(Date(), "yy-"))

Also set the field's SelStart property to 3 and its SelLength to 0.

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