Standard Deviation



I'm a newbie to Access, so I hope this makes sense...

I need to calculate a +/-3 Standard Deviation (some (n-1), some from
population). I know I could calculate the StDev (or StDevP), then the +3 and
-3 from the avg in a query (total of three separate expressions), but i have
many sets of data, so would be much easier with some type of aggregate
function or a function that I build in the report footer. Does an aggregate
function exist for this and/or can someone help with building this function
or any other/better suggestions?

Jeff Boyce

Check the various options of the "Totals" query -- I believe there's a
standard deviation aggregation function there.

If you need both sample and population StdDev, you may need to either
calculate them, or set a reference to Excel and use the Excel version of the

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