SQLServerCE onto PPC2000


Mike White


I've written an application in Studio2003 (VB) that uses an .SDF database.
It runs fine and installs via Installshield (X express) onto PPC2003 and
PPC2002, but it will not install onto my PPC2000. When ActiveSync pops up it
says that no suppported device is attached. When I run the application from
within the IDE it runs fine so SQLServer CE etc must be OK on PPC2000?

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong/what I can do to (easily!) build an
installer for PPC2000 if Installshield won't do it?

Any help appreciated,

Mike White

Ginny Caughey [MVP]


I haven't used Installshield so I can't help you there, but you can easily
write your own installer using RAPI, and in fact that's what I use for my
production apps. Look at the Rapi class in the Communications section of
www.opennetcf.org for a .Net wrapper around the Remote API.

Darren Shaffer

from the SQL Server CE part of your question - you are ok on PPC2000.
can't help you with your Installshield compatibility question.

Mike White


thanks for the pointer. Do you use the RAPI class to install the database
*and* SQLServerCE? Installshield is copying the database across but refuses
to put SQLServerCE on. If I was to use the RAPI approach I guess I would
need to work out the processor that I was running on and so bring down the
correct cab file.

Mike White

Ginny Caughey [MVP]


Yes I use it to do everything, and you're right that you need to figure out
the processor and bring down the right cab file if it's possible that users
might have a variety of devices. It seems to me that Installshield *should*
do what you want - but I just don't have any experience with it. Maybe they
can help?

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