SQL Server remote connection



Hi to everybody, I'm a vb.net newby,
I've a win app trying to connect to a SQL Server database. I've set the
connection string in myapp.config. I should encrypt it but i've this problem:
when I launch my app from my laptop all is going well, but if I try to
launch the app .exe from a pc in the LAN I get an error. I've set all the
permissions for admin user in files and dir.The goal is to install the win
app and the db on a server (win 2003 server so with Framework) and start it
from every lan pc. Is it possible ?
What I should do ? Please, help me

Thank you in advance


Are you saying that it runs fine from the local hard disk in your laptop but
you get an error when running from a network share? If this is the case then
its security related. I used to have a link to an MSDN article explaining it
but I can't find it at the moment. If I find the link again I'll post it or
maybe someone knows a link.



Request of authorization
at System.Data.Sqlclient.SqlPermission
but the quetsion is:
can I have an access from a client on the LAN to an exe file on the server
or is easy to install .Net framework and exe file over all the client to
avoid permission errors?

Chris, Master of All Things Insignificant

This has nothing to do with the exe. SQL is telllng you that you don't have
the rights to do whatever you are trying to do. Is the database on your
laptop? Can you show us the connection string you are using?



User ID=sa;Password=mypwd;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=mydb;Data

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