SQL server OLEDB provider support error

  • Thread starter Eric Cooper and Sherry Yang
  • Start date

Eric Cooper and Sherry Yang

I'm totally new to XP embedded environment. I installed XP embedded
release version with SP1, tools, MSDE (using the same machine for
database server) then started following through the tutorial provided
with the CDs. The installation is completed without errors.

As soon as I started adding component, or configuration I see this
error message: Title: SQL Server OLEDB provider support error "Unable
to load SAL Server OLEDB povider resource DLL. The application cannot

What is the problem here? Your help is appreciated.



Eric and Sherry,

Have you tried re-loading the OLEDB drivers by re-installing your version of MDAC or possibly even upgrading to a later version of
Also, check your EventView log for more descriptive errors related to the issue and search in MS KB. You may find much more info

Eric Cooper and Sherry Yang

Thanks, KM.
A re-installing MDAC has soloved the problem.


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