SQL connection problem


Robert Dufour

This is my connection string, the syntax is I think quite correct. The name
of the computer is my local machine, the database exists and I can connect
to it with the enterprise manager,
data source=WINXP1;initial catalog=SGIIMSTransNetPartner; Integrated

The error I get back Is cannot create SSPI context. I tried this connecting
to another server from this machine, same thing. This used to work fine
before, now all of a sudden , no joy.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks for any help,


make a new text file; change the extension from TXT to UDL

double click on it; set all of the settings you want

change the extension from UDL back to TEXT; open it and you've got the
whole connection string already built for you

-Susie, DBA

Charlie Brown

Are you developing on a laptop and moving from work to home often? I g
et this error occasionally when my laptop loses its cached domain
credentials becuase I have been off the domain for a couple days.

Anyway, just throwing it out there.

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


Just connect your sysad if you get this kind of troubles, he can even have
powered that server off.


Robert Dufour

Susie. Its not a connection string problem. I did all that before it still
does not work. It looks like its a problem with network security settings
but I can't pit my finger on it.

Robert Dufour

No I had to change the ip addresses of my network from range 192.168.1.xxx
to 192.168.0.xxx and the problem started after that. I have no Sysadd, I,m
it and I don't know what to do to fix this.

Robert Dufour

Hey corr, you guys think we're all like MS with a bunch of experts on staff
Here, I'm the sysadd, the server is on was never turned off. But I can't get
to it with integrated network security and I can't figure out what to do to

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