Splitting Database and Enhancements



Hi -

I need to make a few changes to a database that has been split.

What changes need to be made to the back up and which changes to the main
mdb file (the file which other users have a local copy of to make updates).

All I need to do is add a few fields, create a report and update a form.
Also, do I need to make sure nobody is actively using their local copy of the

Then once I have made the changes - do I need to split it again or can users
just get another copy?




you change your front end....and then you deploy that FE to each user. They
can be working on their FE while you are modifying yours.

only if you need to modify the BE would you need to ask everyone to get out
of the DB.

Albert D. Kallal

You don't need to re-split.

In fact one great benefit of why you split is that you can then continue to
work on the next great release of your software while your users work away
on the current version...
All I need to do is add a few fields, create a report and update a form.
Also, do I need to make sure nobody is actively using their local copy of

Yes, you if you making changes to tables, then you have to kick users out.
However, you might likely be working a copy of both the backend and ht front
end. In that case, I just make a few notes as to what was the new fields and
perhaps tables. Then, when it time to deploy the new version, I schedule
this update during a time when people are gone home (perhaps during during
lunch). You then look at your notes and add the 2-3 new fields to the
production back end. You then re-link you front end to the produtucion back
end. Create a mde, and then distriote that mde to each user.
Then once I have made the changes - do I need to split it again or can
just get another copy?

You are developing on the split database. So, it is already split. You never
ever have to split it a again....

I explain the above development process in my following article:

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