spinner linked cell problem



Below is the text from concierge chat, unfortunatly this seems to have not
given us the answers we are looking for.

{James Hawkins} I have an enduser who is having problems in excel that are
way beyound my scope of experience.
{James Hawkins} Problem as described by the user:
{James Hawkins} Excel 2003
I add a spinner control to the work sheet
Link it to a cell
SmallChange property is set to 1
Max property is set to 100
Min property is set to -100
When I spin down from 0 to -1, the Value property shows -1 but the linked
cell changes from 0 to 65535. It should change to -1.
Changing the cell format has no effect. How can I fix this?

Second problem:
I add a control to a sheet.
Unless I use a 1 in the Placement property, versus 2 or 3, when I print the
page or preview, all my controls move to the left most side of the sheet. Why
can I not use placement options 2 or 3?
{James Hawkins} That looks like what he is talking about, I will forward the
link to the user.
{Myke} I was not able to locate any specific information relating to your
second issue James.
{Myke} Are you a TechNet Plus subscriber?
{James Hawkins} User reply to link: Yes,
This is it. I have already used these workarounds. It is a major pain
because I have so many spin buttons. Linked cells are much easier to updated
than VB code when moving items around the sheet.
{James Hawkins} From the user: The VB code option offered by John Green does
not work. The value is the cell does not move from 0 either way. Back to
square one.

any help would be appreciated

Jim Cone


1. Set the min to 0, set the max to 200, set the current value to 100
If your linked cell is A1, in another cell add the formula "=A1-100"
Use the other cell as your "linked" cell.

2. see...
"Controls move to the left..."

Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

{James Hawkins} Excel 2003
I add a spinner control to the work sheet
Link it to a cell
SmallChange property is set to 1
Max property is set to 100
Min property is set to -100
When I spin down from 0 to -1, the Value property shows -1 but the linked
cell changes from 0 to 65535. It should change to -1.
Changing the cell format has no effect. How can I fix this?

Second problem:
I add a control to a sheet.
Unless I use a 1 in the Placement property, versus 2 or 3, when I print the
page or preview, all my controls move to the left most side of the sheet. Why
can I not use placement options 2 or 3?

Bob Phillips

jim said:
Below is the text from concierge chat, unfortunatly this seems to have not
given us the answers we are looking for.

{James Hawkins} I have an enduser who is having problems in excel that are
way beyound my scope of experience.
{James Hawkins} Problem as described by the user:
{James Hawkins} Excel 2003
I add a spinner control to the work sheet
Link it to a cell
SmallChange property is set to 1
Max property is set to 100
Min property is set to -100
When I spin down from 0 to -1, the Value property shows -1 but the linked
cell changes from 0 to 65535. It should change to -1.
Changing the cell format has no effect. How can I fix this?

Odd eh? Add this code to your worksheet code module

Private Sub SpinButton1_Change()
With SpinButton1
Range(.LinkedCell).Value = .Value
End With
End Sub
Second problem:
I add a control to a sheet.
Unless I use a 1 in the Placement property, versus 2 or 3, when I print the
page or preview, all my controls move to the left most side of the sheet. Why
can I not use placement options 2 or 3?

Take a look at

Controls move to the left of the worksheet in Microsoft Excel 2002

There's a link on this URL:

How to obtain the hotfix

This issue is fixed in the Excel 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix Hotfix
May 6, 2004. For additional information, click the following article number
view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
829348 Excel 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 6, 2004

That points to this KB article:
Excel 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package: May 6, 2004

That describe how to contact MS to get the link. It's not just a simple

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