Spell check


Jackie Andrewjeski

When I want to spell check my emails before sending "This language is no
longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling
options dialog." turns up on my screen.
What do I need to do so I can utilize spell check?????!!!


try selecting another language in the drop down box, closing the window, and
then going back in and selecting English. This seems to reset the option.
See earlier posts where the representative from Microsoft suggested this -


Jackie Andrewjeski said:
When I want to spell check my emails before sending "This language is no
longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling
options dialog." turns up on my screen.
What do I need to do so I can utilize spell check?????!!!


Here is what I do to correct the problem. I open the main body of the email
client, choose tools, options, spelling, when the dialog box comes up, make
sure that you have the very first box checked (check spelling before
sending), then go to where it says the Language (ENGLISH) change it to
another language (I use German) click apply then change it back to ENGLISH
and click apply, then ok. Now when you go to the email you are writing it
should work. The only thing I have found it for some reason it doesn't hold
the setting for long. I get a few emails sent and it will work fine, then
all of a sudden it won't work and I have to start the whole process again. I
think it is a problem within windows itself (I am running vista, I do not
know if it is the same with other operating systems as well. I hope this
helps you out

Skip Turner

In mail go to >tools>options>spell and reset the ENGLISH to ENGLISH again.
Worked for me.. Skip


"South Shore Appraisal Services" <South Shore Appraisal
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
Did you ever find the answer to this question?

Tick box in...
Tools > Options > Spelling

Oh yesz... And use English (USA), French, German or Spanish


Jackie Andrewjeski said:
When I want to spell check my emails before sending "This language is no
longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling
options dialog." turns up on my screen.
What do I need to do so I can utilize spell check?????!!!

Richard in AZ

Tell us Sharon how your reply helped Jackie?

Jackie: Go to your Mail menu bar and choose TOOLS then OPTION and then
What language do your have selected? Is that the language of your system?

Richard S.

Thanks that worked.

JimPM said:
Here is what I do to correct the problem. I open the main body of the email
client, choose tools, options, spelling, when the dialog box comes up, make
sure that you have the very first box checked (check spelling before
sending), then go to where it says the Language (ENGLISH) change it to
another language (I use German) click apply then change it back to ENGLISH
and click apply, then ok. Now when you go to the email you are writing it
should work. The only thing I have found it for some reason it doesn't hold
the setting for long. I get a few emails sent and it will work fine, then
all of a sudden it won't work and I have to start the whole process again. I
think it is a problem within windows itself (I am running vista, I do not
know if it is the same with other operating systems as well. I hope this
helps you out


Hi Jim PM
This worked very well for me thanks, but later I discovered that the
"English" I checked was USA English and not the UK English I use. I couldnt
fend "UK English" on the list.
Any help from the forum would be gratefully recieved.


Gary VanderMolen

You will have to upgrade to Windows Live Mail to get UK-English
spell checking.

After you get that installed, go to
C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Mail\Proof\prf0009\2\spell.ini and open
it in Notepad; then change "lang=1033" to "lang=2057". Save and exit.
That should do it.

Yolanda Fabela

Jackie Andrewjeski said:
When I want to spell check my emails before sending "This language is no
longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling
options dialog." turns up on my screen.
What do I need to do so I can utilize spell check?????!!!

Rene Martin

Jackie Andrewjeski said:
When I want to spell check my emails before sending "This language is no
longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling
options dialog." turns up on my screen.
What do I need to do so I can utilize spell check?????!!!

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