Spell Check a Memo Field in a Subform



I read the Jaunary 16 - 17 thread between Wolfpack and Tom Wickerath
regarding spell checking a record. I have applied the code to a memo field
in a subform. The procedure properly moves through a record with no spelling
errors. The spell checker correctly identifies a misspelled word, and throws
the Spelling window. If I click "Change", Access throws a window stating:
"The macro of function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property
for this field is preventing Access from saving the data in the field."

Hmmm... There is no BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule set for this field. Are
there special considerations that have to be made for the fact that this is a
memo field?

Thank you!


After trying a number of approaches to this, the only solution I've found is
to have the AfterUpdate event copy the value of the memo field to an unbound
memo field in a pop up window, run acCmdSpelling against the unbound field,
then copy the unbound value back to the initial memo field.

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