Speed/Complexity Concern of ADO.NET


Richard Brown

Hello everyone.

I'm still new to .NET, but have experience with VB6, C++ and the Java
language, so I think Im catching on fast.

My question is, everything I have been reading seems to indicate that
ADO.NET is a lot more complicated than ADO was, and in fact, requires more
programming to do the same thing.

Also, looking at the descriptions of the datareader and datatable objects,
seems that the datatable objects would require more memory and resources
that the previoous ADO recordsets.

We are getting ready to do a complete application rewrite and I am
attempting to determine the best methods for the program, where to use this
and that, etc. Can anyone offer their opinions or experiences with regards
to working with ADO.NET?


William \(Bill\) Vaughn

There have been volumes written and spoken about this issue. I spend a
chapter in my book discussing this issue and I've written several editorials
as well. ADO.NET is DIFFERENT. It's not ADO classic (ADOc) on steroids--it's
a whole new interface. It's COM-less. That in itself is can be a pivotal
issue. For the first time (since DBlib), ADO.NET exposes the low-level data
stream as the DataReader. It's not any harder to use than DBLib (which I
taught at MSU in an afternoon). The DataSet is more feature-rich and looks
more expensive than the Recordset, but I don't think it is. It supports
hierarchical resultsets--ADOc does not (not without the SHAPE provider (now
THAT's complicated)). Yes, developers have to write more code (or get the
Wizards to write it). But this gives you a lot more control over what's
going on behind the scenes instead of having ADO "do it for you--no matter
how you wanted it done"). Yes, there is a learning curve. Most developers
I've talked to learn to master ADO.NET in about 10 days.

Bill Vaughn
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