Specifying a Range in the SUMIFS function



I have 2 pieces of code, the first piece works:
Set rg = Range("Test!G:G")
F = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(rg, Range("Test!C:C"), "<>1")

and the 2nd doesn't work, it fails on the last statement:
With Worksheets("Test")
varCol = 7
Set rg = .Range(.Cells(2, varCol), .Cells(2, varCol).End(xlDown))
End With
F = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(rg, Range("Test!C:C"), "<>1")

What am I doing wrong ? I cannot use the "G:G" syntax because the column I
need to sum is held in a variable (here varCol)

I'm fairly new at Excel programming, so don't hesitate to state the obvious.


Sumif takes 2 arrays as the first 2 arguments. Those arrays MUST be the same
size. In your second example your arrays aren't the same size. Make rg the
entire column something like this...

With Worksheets("Test")
varCol = 7
Set rg = .columns(varCol)
End With
F = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(rg, Range("Test!C:C"), "<>1")


Thanks Jim, that solved the problem.

Jim Thomlinson said:
Sumif takes 2 arrays as the first 2 arguments. Those arrays MUST be the same
size. In your second example your arrays aren't the same size. Make rg the
entire column something like this...

With Worksheets("Test")
varCol = 7
Set rg = .columns(varCol)
End With
F = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(rg, Range("Test!C:C"), "<>1")

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