
  • Thread starter Thread starter Rhino
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Rhino said:
Can anyone recommend a good spam blocker for Outlook Express 6?

Yes, stop using Outhouse Distress and use Thunderbird instead. It has an
excellent spam filter as well as checking your spelling as you type in
real time. Not only that, it's MUCH easier to back up that OE ever was.
In addition, OE is no longer supported by Microsoft so it will not get
any more security updates ever again.
take a look at MailWasher.

you run it first before running OE.

there is a FREE version.

(e-mail address removed)

Can anyone recommend a good spam blocker for Outlook Express 6?
First download your messages using Hotmail account then use Windows Live
Mail to download your messages from Hotmail to your desktop or laptop.
Hotmail will cleanup your messages and put them in Junk Mail folder
which you can quickly browse and delete those you don't need.

LD55ZRA said:
First download your messages using Hotmail account then use Windows Live
Mail to download your messages from Hotmail to your desktop or laptop.
Hotmail will cleanup your messages and put them in Junk Mail folder
which you can quickly browse and delete those you don't need.


Gmail's spam filtering is far better than Hotmail's. If you want to use an
e-mail service's spam filter (providing you don't like the one included with
your own e-mail provider assuming it is enabled), you can have your e-mails
pulled over to a Gmail account and use its spam filter. Gmail is very good
at filtering spam.

In a Gmail account, you can have it poll your other POP-accessible e-mail
accounts. Besides the spam filtering afforded on the server for those other
accounts (which should move spam out of the Inbox folder), Gmail can pull
e-mails from those other accounts and apply its own spam filter against
them. There is a maximum of 5 accounts that one Gmail account can poll. If
you have more than 5 accounts to poll and want to use Gmail for filtering,
you can always chain together your Gmail accounts (i.e., you can have one
Gmail account poll another Gmail account). With 2 Gmail accounts where one
polls the other "collector" Gmail account, you could poll up to 9 other
accounts. Each Gmail account you add in the chain would add another 4
accounts that you can poll (with one being used to chain together the Gmail
accounts). This can get complicated and it is unlikely most users have more
than 5 other accounts to poll other than their Gmail account.

There is a caveat to using Gmail as a server-side spam filter against your
other accounts: there can be up to a 1 hour delivery delay. Gmail will poll
your other accounts but will increase the polling interval when it sees
there are no new e-mails to yank from the other accounts. This polling
interval increases as it continues to not find any new e-mails in the other
account. This delay can go up to a maximum of 1 hour. When a new e-mail is
found, the polling interval gets reset to 5 minutes.