SP2 Crashes explorer.exe



Since I install Windows XP SP2 everytime I right click something (file, icon
on desktop and startmenu) and press de DEL (Delete) key i get expore.exe -
Aplication Error The instruction at 0x022e415b reference memory at
0x000000000 the memory could not be written. I removed SP2 and the problem
went away.. install it back the problem came back..

What could be wrong I have updated 3 PC's with SP2, Two of them have the
same problem the other one works fine... the 2 PC's with the problem specs
are totaly different one is a laptop and the other is an Media Center PC
(From HP) they both are running Norton AntiVirus 2004 and Norton Internet
Security 2004

By the way Symantec has already released an update for NAV and NIS so that
they can work on the Security Center that comes with SP2. (Now they work fine
in Security Center)
I have updated them and the problem is still there with explorer.exe

Marko Espinoza
-SELMAR Solutions Aruba


I have exactly the same problem, and i thought i was the only one. Nice to
know that i have done nothing wrong. Its a very odd problem, even if the
icon is moved into another directory on the computer the problem still
occurs. My code is slightly different, being the instruction "0xx00f2415b"
referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written", and
then explorer crashes and starts again. I really do hope that someone can
shed some light on this.


Thanks to Chuck Clark and Pete
if you have divx installed, this could be the problem

----from an earlier post by Pete--------

if explorer crashes when you right click a folder or file then its divx 5.2
thats the problem. I spent 4 hours trying to find the problem was even
thinking of a format but i was uninstalling programs i knew that put content
on the right click....

divX.com know about it and say on their forum they are working on it


I have a very similar problem - whenever I right click a file, folder etc,
explorer.exe crashes without giving any error messages - it just freezes and
10 seconds later explorer.exe refreshes itself. I do not have Divx5.2, but I
do have Dr Divx1.0.4, it seems there are more versions of Divx that cause it.


Are you using an Nvidia card? If so disable nvidia help service. It
worked for me. If not then I have no idea unless i had more info


I'm having the same problem. Right click on any file in a directory
and windows explorer "reboots" itself.

I am also running NAV2004 and Internet Security Pro 2004 with
all updates to them.

anyone else having this problem or know of a fix?



I have the exact same problem that everyone else's seems to have, but i have
a variation that i think is the problem.
When Explorer.exe craashes, it also makes Dr.watson debbuger crashes, which
i do not know what is for, or why it crashes.
I also noticed that you mencionated soemthing about DivX. i woild like to
know what it is because it seems that all this crashes also damaged my WMP. i
can't see the videos, i can hear them though.

I would like to get an answer for those questionsa dn some liks would be
nice too.



I also have a similar problem. Internet Explorer freezes for about 10 seconds
then it crashes when I use the right click. This problem occured after
downloading security updates.


Nobody said:

I have the exact same problem that everyone else's seems to have, but i have
a variation that i think is the problem.
When Explorer.exe craashes, it also makes Dr.watson debbuger crashes, which
i do not know what is for, or why it crashes.
I also noticed that you mencionated soemthing about DivX. i woild like to
know what it is because it seems that all this crashes also damaged my WMP. i
can't see the videos, i can hear them though.

I would like to get an answer for those questionsa dn some liks would be
nice too.


Yes this happens to me as well...Dr. Watson will crash and cause IE to crash


I had the same problem, but found mine to be due to an installed program (I
presume, although SP2 could have added one of the things I deleted.) The
solution I found lies here: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/slowrightclick.htm I
edited the following registry key: HKCR \*\shellex\contextmenuhandlers I
then deleted some of the keys? inside that folder. I deleted Winamp, WinRAR,
Open Encryption something, and like 2 other keys that didn't look like they
should be there. I can now delete, right click, etc without any problems,
hope this helps!

PS: (You may also consider using the program further down the page, though
myself I find editing the registry keys easier)


This problem is like a missing tooth -- my tongue keeps going to itt. Do
you know whether Microsoft has addressed this. My crashes happen everytime I
exit any explorer window. All the Icons come back but many of the systray
Icons. What's up? Help!!!! Thank you

Gerry Cornell

Please check Event Viewer for Warning / Error Reports in the System and
Application logs for when the error occurs and post copies.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Administrative Tools, and
Event Viewer. When researching the meaning of the error, information
regarding Event ID, Source and Description are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP

Part of the Description of the error will include a link, which you should
double click for further information. You can copy using copy and paste.
Often the link will, however, say there is no further information.
(Please note the hyperlink above is for illustration purposes only)

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double click
on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a button
resembling two pages. Double click the button and close Event Viewer. Now
start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of the message. This
will paste the info from the Event Viewer Error Report complete with links
into the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from Event


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

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