sp2 cd


larry jordan


i know you fine folks can not tell me that nothing
will go wrong with my comp. when i install sp2 , but was
wondering if many people have had trouble with getting
online after they installed sp2?


Oli Restorick [MVP]

My personal experiences have been mostly fine. I had one issue where having
McAfee VirusScan 8.0i installed would result in a blue screen in mup.sys
shortly after bootup. This was resolved with a hotfix provided by Microsoft
PSS (although I expect McAfee to create a fix at their end).

Apart from that, think about what your software might do if you placed a
firewall on your machine. A lot of games that have online multiplayer modes
may need you to tell the firewall to allow the communication.

Apart from that, just exercise the normal caution you would use, like
backing up your system before applying it.

There's some good advice at the following page

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) Support Center

Hope this helps


Mike Carnes

Our company is in the process of testing/rolling out SP2 to all of our
machines, and so far we haven't run into too many problems. There are a
few home-grown apps that we've had to make some exceptions for, but
overall it's been a good experience. Personally, I'd rather see all of
our desktops running Firefox for a browser, but since that's not an
option, the updates to IE are a step in the right direction.

The firewall is better than before, and definitely better than nothing.
The one gripe that I have with it is that if you don't have any
current shares on the computer (printers or folder shares), then
File/Print sharing is automatically disabled...causes a problem for
networked folks, but it's not that difficult to fix either. :)

Mike Carnes


larry said:

i know you fine folks can not tell me that nothing
will go wrong with my comp. when i install sp2 , but was
wondering if many people have had trouble with getting
online after they installed sp2?


Larry, why do you persist in posting a new message as a reply to an old
thread? This thread last had activity on 9/27. When you have a new
question, post it on a new thread. Use reply only when replying to a
thread that you started or to which you are directly answering the
poster, not asking your own question. That way more people see the
thread. Posts to old threads oft times get lost in the "shuffle" so to

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Rock said:
Larry, why do you persist in posting a new message as a reply to an old
thread? This thread last had activity on 9/27. When you have a new
question, post it on a new thread. Use reply only when replying to a
thread that you started or to which you are directly answering the
poster, not asking your own question. That way more people see the
thread. Posts to old threads oft times get lost in the "shuffle" so to

He did not post to an old thread (if you take a look at his posting
header, there is no "References <msg id>" there). He just happened
to use a subject title that have been used by others, and your news
reader groups those together (even if it is not the same thread).


larry said:

i know you fine folks can not tell me that nothing
will go wrong with my comp. when i install sp2 , but was
wondering if many people have had trouble with getting
online after they installed sp2?


Larry, I apologize for my last post. I blew it -- not paying enough
attention -- lesson learned. You did post a new thread.


Torgeir said:

He did not post to an old thread (if you take a look at his posting
header, there is no "References <msg id>" there). He just happened
to use a subject title that have been used by others, and your news
reader groups those together (even if it is not the same thread).

Yikes, thanks for pointing that out. I blew it.



i know you fine folks can not tell me that nothing
will go wrong with my comp. when i install sp2 , but was
wondering if many people have had trouble with getting
online after they installed sp2?

SP 2 has worked OK for me. Here's the problems I've had and you'll see
they're of no concern:

1. I ran SP2 RC1 and decided to remove it, it didn't remove properly
and caused me to format and re-install XP.

2. When SP2 RC2 came out I tried it and had no troubles of any kind, it
worked perfectly. It removed properly (yes, I tried it) and re-
installed properly.

3. When the released version came out I downloaded the full install,
got a new, larger hard drive and decided to do a fresh install. I
installed Windows XP Pro, then installed SP2 and then began installing
all my software.

Here's the only bug: I could NOT install Office 97 if I selected the
HTML options, that's been discussed elsewhere in the Office newsgroups
and here (I think?). I removed SP2, installed Office 97 and all it's
updates then re-installed SP2 and have had NO PROBLEMS OF ANY KIND!

I didn't mean to post a complete novel but I wanted to let you know
that those who read the directions (update AVG and run it, update
spyware detection software and run it, run CKDISK in repair mode, etc.)
and have a properly working system BEFORE installing SP2*, it has
caused very few problems and most have been able to get online OK.

I hope this is of some help?

*One person sent a cry for help to a newsgroup saying his system kept
bluescreening and crashing all the time, no matter what he was doing
and when he installed SP2 it got worse so...... SP2 was NO GOOD! Gee,
do ya think if he'd replaced his bad memory module or defective
motherboard or whatever hardware problem he had maybe he coulda solved
the problem? Nah, let's blame SP2!

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