Source of the Limited Internet Connectivity Problem



I discovered that Windows OneCare Live is the culprit; I uninstalled the
existing installation, rebooted, and everything started working just fine.
Downloaded it again, installed it - the connectivity went away again, so I'm
uninstalling it again as I write this.

My other Vista computer is running OneCare Live without any issues so it's
still not clear why it's misbehaving on the newer installation - but if I
figure it out, I'll let you know.

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Lloyd Sheen

I have had this problem since I installed. At that time there was only
Defender installed. I installed the trial of OneCare (doesn't look good for
keeping if this is the problem).

I can find no pattern to this other than Vista.



I installed 1Care under XP and had the same issue, when I removed it
connectivity resumed, I tried all kinds of things to get it to work and
finally just gave up and went with defender and Avast antivirus.

I've not tried it since installing vista due to my past XP experience with


You're absolutely right - Once Care is the culprit and it is a largely
garbage. I ran it under XP without a problem. Under Vista, it doesn't
configure the ports correctly (or in some instances at all). Turn off the
One Care firewall and enable the built-in Vista firewall and things will
work. Microsoft's support for Vista is no better than the open source apps
it criticizes. It's both disappointing and frustrating.


Contrary to what one poster said here, Windows Live OneCare is NOT garbage.

I had the problem (which I believe is the same here) where when I upgraded
to Vista Ultimate and I turned the Windows Live OneCare firewall ON I lost
all connectivity. When I turned the firewall OFF I got it back again.

So, while I was passing e-mails to OneCare about this problem, I was using
the Vista firewall instead along with all other OneCare features to remain
reasonably safe. OneCare advised me to uninstall OneCare and reinstall after
reboot. I did this and turned the OneCare firewall ON and again lost my
Internet connection.

But wait, I had a thought! I did have the Vista firewall on and did not
turn it OFF when I uninstalled OneCare's firewall and reinstalled it. So,
this time I uninstalled OneCare again, TURNED OFF the Vista firewall,
rebooted my computer, and reinstalled OneCare. When I turned the OneCare
firewall ON it WORKED! No lost connectivity.

So, be aware that Vista has its own firewall, which I believe is on by
default. Just turning it off and turning OneCare's on doesn't work - Vista's
firewall has to be OFF during installation of Windows Live OneCare.


When you have to jump through hoops like Ed did/describes below, you become
soured on the product. I'm happy Ed got things working, but for what he did,
it sounds like my experiences with open source apps/shareware/freeware.
Quality assurance is clearly missing from OneCare.

It exhausting when you have to chase down settings to make this product
work. It's not free and yet MS dumps this thing on us and expects customers
to sort through its idiosyncrasies. Their tech support team knows little
about this program. I don’t trust it.

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