Source for FP Scripts?



Are there products or sites that offer good scripts that are easy to apply to FP pages? For example, I would like a script that would allow the user to print a confirmation page. Or, I would like to be able to do some simple calculations on a form intended for conference registration (e.g., how many dinner tickets times the cost per ticket equals a total that can then be added to other such totals for a printable confirmation page).

Tom Pepper Willett

Google for: "javascript websites"
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
| Are there products or sites that offer good scripts that are easy to apply
to FP pages? For example, I would like a script that would allow the user
to print a confirmation page. Or, I would like to be able to do some simple
calculations on a form intended for conference registration (e.g., how many
dinner tickets times the cost per ticket equals a total that can then be
added to other such totals for a printable confirmation page).

MD Websunlimited

Hi Adela,

Take a look at J-Bots.

"... print a confirmation page." See
"... do some simple calculations on a form ... " See

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
J-Bots Plus 2002 87 components for FrontPage
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible

Adela D said:
Are there products or sites that offer good scripts that are easy to apply to FP pages? For example, I would like a script that
would allow the user to print a confirmation page. Or, I would like to be able to do some simple calculations on a form intended
for conference registration (e.g., how many dinner tickets times the cost per ticket equals a total that can then be added to other
such totals for a printable confirmation page).


I just purchased the form calculator. I have been searching for months for a program like this but couldn't find one. I knew there had to be something like this out there. Thank you. I can't wait to use it.

I've got the print page worked out, but there is another product on the site that looks like it offers a lot of neat things for a person like me, and I will be looking into that one.

Thanks, again.



Thank you for this pointer. It is a nice source. I especially liked the "accept" script.


The Form Calculator add-on is terrific! After I figured out what each possible "event" meant, the program was a breeze to use. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of myself. Thank you.

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