Source Control For Excel VBA?


Dave Mathew

I was just curious if anyone knows of a way to source control VBA
applications in Excel workbooks? I'm using Team Foundation Server for
the source control on a larger project using .Net and VB6, however
there are also a few excel files containing a fair amount of VBA code.
Team foundation only stores the excel files as binaries which means
you can't run a diff, merge changes, etc on the embedded VBA code in
the excel workbook. I've heard that plug-ins for source control in
Excel exist for other source control systems... does anyone know of
one for team foundation?


I don't know of one, but if you find one, there are a lot of people who would
like to know about it.


Just an afterthought Dave, It is probably because VBA is not a compiled code
set that it is not source controlled. That is, it only compiles as it is
run. That means that the code is always in the clear, and unless the code
modules are password protected, they are accessible and subject to
modification by any authorized (and some unauthorized) users. VB6 is
different, it can be compiled into EXE files and arbitrary changes can be

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