Sounds when errors appear



Does anyone know how to code a particular sound to run? Many users in my
department have changed their default beep to a 'click' sound because some
of our software includes a great deal of beeping. I would like the Windows
Exclamation sound to play when some of my msg boxes pop up.

Any suggestions?

Albert D. Kallal

The problem is that you users may well have changed the windows exclamation
sound to whatever the theme they have (jungle..etc etc). You can't relay on
that sound.

However, you can most certainly package a wave file that YOU want them to

I sure right now you run a split arrangement, and all users get a mde front
end..right (if not, then you SHOULD be doing this). You can then simply
place that wave file in the same dir as the application.

Public Const pSYNC = 0 ' wait until sound finished playing
Public Const pASYNC = 1 ' don't wait ..code contnues

'Sound APIs
Private Declare Function apiPlaySound Lib "Winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA"
(ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

The above can go in your main module code.

Then, when you nee to play the sound.

apiPlaySound "c:\program files\YourApp\exclaim.wav",1
msgbox "hello...ha you get a sound!"

I would also setup a global function that returns the current path of the
application, as then you don't have to hard code the above.

The above will work. If you want an exapned version of the above. check out:

And, your function for the current lockation of the running applcton..use:

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