sound problems when I change volumes



I realise MovieMaker is a free piece of software, but is there anything I can
do about noises that sound like this: PHHHHHTTTTTT. They seem to appear
whenever I change the volume of one clip, usually I lower it so that it can
be mixed with music on the seperate audio track. This noise does then come
accross on all recordings. It occurs at the beginning or end of the clip
(sometimes both). I have tried trimming ends off the clip, splitting it,
etc. I cannot eliminate them, they just move around a bit. Any help? I am
looking at buying a descent program like Adobe Premiere but do not want to
spend a lot of money if this is still a problem. I have a fairly hi spec
machine, I use firewire, and no the problem is not on my DV tape, it only
appears when I take it onto timeline. Please Help. First time on DG.


Graham Hughes said:
MM does have a known problem when working in dv-avi files. Try working with
WMV and see if this goes away.

Thanks, but how do I do this? I am referring to the sound off my DV tape,
not added sound. Can I convert this original sound to a WMV?

Graham Hughes

Thanks, but how do I do this? I am referring to the sound off my DV tape,
not added sound. Can I convert this original sound to a WMV?

Choose save to computer and save the movie as a wmv file. Then open the
project, rename it using save as, then mute the audio and insert the new wmv
file in the audio/music track which will make it just use the audio portion
and not the video, then save as dv-avi.

Or you may need to save as dv-avi, save as wmv, make a new project, insert
avi into video timeline and wmv into audio and then save as dv-avi.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media


I tried the suggested solution but it DID NOT work, the noise persists! The
WMF plays ok on the computer, but after completing the process you described
and burning the dvd, same noises are present!
I have the same problem and am so desperate as to give up using MS Movie
Maker for this reason, as it totally compromises my productions. It is a
harsh scissors cut noise. The problem is that while editing or even while
playing dv-avi clip on the computer, it is only a minor glitch, but when
burned to dvd and played on the dvd player it becomes a horrible noise. So it
is a try and miss cycle which involves turning a lot of dvd's into drinks
mats in the attempt to get it right. I have noticed that it happens a lot
when I 'fade out' original sound-track to blend with the imported music. So
this one is easy to fix by removing the fade out. Unfortunantely it happens
in other context, mostly when cutting/trimmimg video frames over imported
Would really need more help with this. Yours desperate


Unfortunately these audio "glitches" happen a lot with Movie Maker.
Generally it is only when the audio is cut with the video for transitions
and/or audio fades.
My work around for this is basically what Graham said except for one small
After the project is 100% complete I save it as a WMV and as a DV-AVI.
I import both videos into collections and drag the DV-AVI version to the
Then I mute the audio and drag the WMV version of my project to the
audio/music portion of the timeline.
Then I save this new project as a DV-AVI. Seems like a lot of extra work to
end up with the same DV-AVI but the fact is your audio is no longer
segmented at all in this final AVI saving so the audio glitches should not
be there.


I just lost 24 hours going through the process described by Graham and WOjo
but all the horrible scissors cut noises are still there when the final
dv-avi is burned to dvd and played on the dvd player. These problems do not
appear to be caused by cutting audio(allthough that also causes noises).


Well if you followed the way I laid it out 100% and the noise didn't go away
and the audio in the project is not an MP3 then I apologize but I am at a
loss for what is causing it. The two things I just said have always seemed
to work in the past for myself and people it has been suggested to, hence
the reason it has become a standard response, so the only thing I can think
of is that you may have a problem with an audio codec.


Thanks for the help. Went back and also saved and re-imported the dv-avi, as
well as the wmf; now the noises have disappeared. First time I had used the
existing project, saved as wmf and only re-imported the wmf - noise persists.
I think this shows that the noise happens when we have clips (trimming)
imposed over audio imported from mp3. Still used the mp3. but aftre following
the Wojo's process , no more noise> Other problem now: the video is out of
sync with the audio, as the wmf audio is "shorter" then the dv-avi video!
needed to split audio and shift bits and pieces. Very fiddly and cumborsome
process, n ot not mention all the extra disk space required and the time
lost. Very disappointed. Any idea when Microsoft will issue a new release and
if problems are going to be fixed?
But a huge thanks to you!


Your welcome, I'm glad you got it working.
Sorry you had the sync issues. It happens sometimes but usually it isn't a
I can't say about Microsoft fixing this problem but the version of WMM that
will come with Vista seems, according to Papajohn, to address quite a few of
the issues that the current version has.


WOjo & Graham,
Thank you both. I think I streamlined a bit the process, and eliminated the
syncronisation issue as follows:
1. save your clip as .avi, before adding the mp3 audio files. Make sure that
you are happy with the video/original audio including muting where you think
you don't want any of the original soundtrack and wish to add your own audio
later; wher you leave sound, it will be merged with the audio you will add
2. create a new project and import the .avi video/sound. The purpose is that
we get a continuos stream as the noises are introduced where we trim clips
3. import the mp3 audio and place/cut/mix in evry way you want - this will
not cause any noise
4. save again as .avi file

If your project is already made and you have the noise:
"Save as" a new project, remove .mp3 from original project and save the .avi
In the Save as project, delete the clips and import the .avi, keeping the
existing mp3
Save again as .avi



Thanks for the feedback and your breakdown of the process will probably help
some people.
I would like to add to that though that if these things don't solve the
audio problems sometimes the problem is with using an MP3 and converting it
to WMA or WAV may do the trick.

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