sounblaster or nforce audio


The Hammer

epox 8rda+ motherboard with sound storm (i think), am i better off using my
SB live sound card or the on board audio ?


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epox 8rda+ motherboard with sound storm (i think), am i better off using my
SB live sound card or the on board audio ?

Most people say soundstorm if it is soundstorm. The caveat being -
some onboard sound has problems. Theres a lot of grousing about
problems with some Nforce boards and sound but then theres some
grousing about sound in general with some nforce boards and other
boards and especially with the Sblive.

My Nforce board though overall very stable and excellent has problems
with my Sblive value card. It stutters. I have to go through my whole
system next. I really havent done it since getting the board. I did a
quick dirty install of WIN XP over my old install so I want to do
everything right next week after cleaning up my horrendous mess on my
two huge hard disks.

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