SOS! How to do Windows automation?



Hi all,

I need your help urgently!

I am in a housing lottery situation now. And I was late, so I am on the

So my task is the following:

1. Keep monitoring a website 24 x 7 (including login, filling in some
tables, and submiting some clicks and choices, and then extract the
"Number_of_Available_Spots" field in that table, and then save it in a file
named XXX);

2. Write a Matlab program to keep monitoring the content in the file named
XXX 24 x 7, and if it is avaible, it should automatically give me a call.

My questions are:

a. How to generate a call from PC to my cell phone?

I am thinking of two ways of solution:

1. Send a short message to my cell phone, through the cell phone's
provider's webpage (Cingular)

2. Generate a call from within Skype to my cell phone.

But how?

b. How to link all the above tasks together on Windows XP?

I want them run in sequence.

c. Do you have good recommendations of webpage tracking automation software
that can automatically monitor the change of a certain field on a webpage?

Thanks a lot!


You can try our windows automation software, Workspace Macro

Then you can use Run Macro command to link all macros together.
Workspace macro pro doesn't have a feature to give a call. But if you
have other software that can make a call, you can record a macro for
that and call that macro.

Alternatively you can use Automation Anywhere. It has ability to send
email notification and compare values so that you may not need Matlab.

-Automation Experts

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