Sorting Question



I'm sorting a column and want the empty cells to appear at the top of the column, followed by numeric and alpha.

When I sort the column, numeric and alpha appear first, followed by empties. The occurs both for a-z and z-a sort

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


The easiest way I can see to complete this is to do a
Find/Replace on all the cells where Find = Nothing ( )
and Replace = 0, Then Sort the data and afterwards, do a
Find = 0 and Replace = Nothing ( ).

This should mitigate the problem.

Best of Luck
-----Original Message-----
I'm sorting a column and want the empty cells to appear
at the top of the column, followed by numeric and alpha.
When I sort the column, numeric and alpha appear first,
followed by empties. The occurs both for a-z and z-a sort.

Dave Peterson

You could even move the rows with the empty cells after you do the sort.

Another option is to use a helper cell:

and drag down

Then use that column as your primary sort key and your other column (A in my
example) as your secondary key.

Bufo Calvin

-----Original Message-----
I'm sorting a column and want the empty cells to appear
at the top of the column, followed by numeric and alpha.
When I sort the column, numeric and alpha appear first,
followed by empties. The occurs both for a-z and z-a sort.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

You can also use this formula in the "Helper Cells":


In this example, A2 is the first cell that contains a
value, and A2 through A12 is the range containing the
values. This formula says, "If the value in A2 is blank,
then show me one less than the lowest thing in the range,
otherwise show me what's in A2." That will set the
blanks to be at the beginning of the sort, regardless of
you using text or numbers in the range.

Hope that helps.

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