Sorting list of referenced data


M John

I'm getting confused by how Excel is screwing this up. I have a list of
data, for example:

Score Name
5 John
2 Paul
6 Luke

The table is pulled from elsewhere in the Excel worksheet, such that the
above really looks like, for example:

Score Name
=A1 =B3
=A5 =B7
=A9 =B11

Excel keeps sorting this based on the cell there's no change
in the sorting...what's going on? to fix?


Jacob Skaria

Dear John

You are sorting formulas and not data. To perform a sort you will need to
extend your selection to the col A and B as well.

If you want only these two columns to be sorted; Copy the range >Select the
top left cell of the selected range> Right click> Paste Special> Values...and
then try..sorting...Now it should sort the data

If this post helps click Yes

M John

Good morning,

Couple clarifying points/responses:

-I am selecting both columns and sorting

-I need to keep the references in tact, so the copy-paste values won't work.


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