Sorting in a report



I'm trying to set up a report that, although for an entirely different
purpose, is very similar to the 'Invoice' report in the Northwinds sample
database. I have it almost completely set up, but I cannot get the details
section to group as it is supposed to.

The information in my group header (which in form version is the information
contained within my main form) is linked to the information in my report
detail section (which would be the subform) by the 'PartID'. The 'PartID'
selected in the main section then gives you a table to enter related failure
data about that part. In form view, when you go to a new record you also get
a clean slate for the failure table. In report view however, the failure data
is not linking to the 'PartID' and is just displaying every failure entry for
all PartIDs. For example, if it is part 2 it is displaying failure
information for part 2, 3, 4, etc. all under part 2 and then displays that
same infomation for part 3, 4, and so on.

How can I stop it from doing this. I have done all that I know how to do
with the sorting/grouping options and I am at a loss for what to do.

Allen Browne

This report has a subreport?

If so, open the report in design view.
Right-click the edge of the subreport control, and choose Properties.
On the Data tab of the Properties box, set these properties:
Link Master Fields
Link Child Fields
The Master is the PartID in the main report.
The Child is the matching PartID in the subreport.

If the report does not have a subreport, check that the joins are correct in
the query that feeds the report.

Steve Schapel


I understand the temptation to do so, but I am not 100% sure that it is
helpful to think of Sorting and Grouping in a report as being parallel
to the form/subform scenario.

Anyway, I think the first step is to check out the query that the report
is based on. If you directly open the query datasheet, does it seem to
return the expected data?

If you would post back with the SQL view of the query, it may help
someone get a grasp on the data you are trying to work with.

In the meantime, can I just check that in your report design, you have a
PartID Header section, and then the core Failures data is presented in
the Detail section?

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