sorting (I think)



I have made a report that is based on a query. In the query, I have searched
for birthdates by month. So, I now have it so that I can get all of one
months birthday, with the day ascending. When I open up my report, which is
labels so that I can send birthday cards, it is not in the same order as my
query. I want my labels to also ascend by day. Is there a way to do this?


I have made a report that is based on a query. In the query, I have searched
for birthdates by month. So, I now have it so that I can get all of one
months birthday, with the day ascending. When I open up my report, which is
labels so that I can send birthday cards, it is not in the same order as my
query. I want my labels to also ascend by day. Is there a way to do this?

Any sort order you have in your query is irrelevant to the sort order
in your report.
Sort the report using the Report's sorting and Grouping dialog:
In Report Design View, click on View + Sorting and Grouping.
i have no idea of what your field names are, but you can adapt the

=Format([DateOfBirth],"mm/dd") and Ascending on the first line

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