Sorting according to priority help!!



I have a column with priority list High, low and medium. I need to sort the
whole excel sheet according to that column. or priority list. Is it possible?
Can anyone give me advice.


Here's one way:
Say the words :High, Medium and Low Start in column C, Row1
then in column B , Row1: =IF(C1="High",1,IF(C1="Medium",2,3)) copy formula
This will give each word a number High=1, Medium=2 and Low =3
Now you can use scroll over the list Starting @ B1 and ending at the last
column, last row and select The sort Acending,or you can use a macro:

Sub PrioritySort()

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
End Sub

There are certainly other methods out there, but this one will work for you


That is exactly how sort works. but it only works on continuous data, so
anything under a completely blank row will not be sorted, likewise
anything to the right of a blank column WITHOUT a header.

Dave Peterson

Tools|Options|Custom Lists tab
Add your High, Medium, Low

Then you can sort by this custom list.

Then select your range
(make this field the first sort field)
choose your High, Medium, Low list for the sort order.

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