Sort and move macro



How would I set up a macro for a worksheet that varies in number of rows
daily, to sort a by dollar amount. Than for any dollar amount that equals
$0.00 I would need to have those rows moved to another worksheet within the
same workbook and than have specific columns removed from the new worksheet.
Is this possible ?


You would need to define the range you want to sort so that it includes all
of the columns and rows that contain data which you want kept tied to the
dollar value.

Then you would use the Sort method to sort that defined range, making the
column (or row, depending upon which you are sorting) that contains the data
to be sorted first as Key 1. You can have additional keys but I doubt that
you need them for this execise. You also can set a parameter for ascending
or descenting order. I would think that ascending would be appropriate for
your purposes.

Then you would need a loop to look at the values and for each value that
equals 0.00, you can delete it, or copy it and paste it somewhere.

That's about it.


I am not fluent at writing macros, is there a possibility of sending me a
macro to fo this?


You would have to provide a lot more information than you have done in this
posting. I could write a macro that will perform the actions that you
specified, but it would most likely not work in your workbook since I cannot
see where your data is, have no idea how you have your headers set up, do not
know which sheet contains what data and a few other things. I think it might
be better if you try to learn a little more about how it works and try to
record some of your own macros. Then when you post, you will have a better
idea of what you need to provide to get some real help.


ALL data is located on Sheet1! titled "Accounts", header row is first row.
column J is the column I need to reference to see if the dollar amount is
$0.00 or blank ,f TRUE Than I would need to have the entire row cut and
pasted into a new worksheet withon the same workbook titled "No Interest" .
Once that loop is complete,where the macro looks for all rows in the
"Accounts' worksheet where the conditon above was TRUE I would need the
macro to remove columns J, K, L, and M on the "No Interest" worksheet.
I hope this is enough information, I have tried to record and am having a
hard time understand how to get a macro to look at all rows on a worksheet
and other misc items. I am trying, but just a beginner. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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