Sort and hide duplicate in form, how/possible?



2 questions:

1) I have a table (tbl1) of randomized questions (eg. question 3,1,2,4) and
another table (tbl2) with multiple choices (eg. a,b c,d ) corresponding to
the questions of tbl1. A query will combine the two giving each question with
the choices. How do I sort so that the choices are in ascending order or
a,b,c,d and do not have to sort the random question number of 3,1,2,4. Right
now I have to sort the question first and then sort the choices, but that
will defeat the purpose of randomizing the questions.

2) How do I put these in a form so that question appears once with the
choices. Right now I have record of 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d (each with the question
wording and the choice wording). I want only 3 a,b,c,d (so that hte question
do not repeat with each choice). I can group the question in a report but
failed to do that in a form. Help.

Eric D via

Please provide example.

What are the relationships of your two tables? One-to-many or One-to-one?

Without more information, I would suggest a One-to-one relationship.
Tbl2 should have one row per question in tbl1 - Question# (fkey), A, B, C, D,

Your query results would then always provide the sorted order you are looking
for. (actually there would be no need to sort by tbl2). I believe that doing
it this way would also give you better control over your layout if you used a
form to display the question/answers.

Peter Sutton

2 questions:

1) I have a table (tbl1) of randomized questions (eg. question 3,1,2,4) and
another table (tbl2) with multiple choices (eg. a,b c,d ) corresponding to
the questions of tbl1. A query will combine the two giving each question with
the choices. How do I sort so that the choices are in ascending order or
a,b,c,d and do not have to sort the random question number of 3,1,2,4. Right
now I have to sort the question first and then sort the choices, but that
will defeat the purpose of randomizing the questions.

2) How do I put these in a form so that question appears once with the
choices. Right now I have record of 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d (each with the question
wording and the choice wording). I want only 3 a,b,c,d (so that hte question
do not repeat with each choice). I can group the question in a report but
failed to do that in a form. Help.

Rather than a query, use a main form with the questions in whatever
order you want, and a subform ordered by choice.


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