Sorry if wrong forum topic, if wrong please re-direct



Recently i burned a game to a DVD-R disk, with about 6 gigs of space on it.
the game took up about 600mb. I am unable to erase the disk or overwrite the
files due to the fact that the computer ONLY detects the 600mb on the disk,
and thinks that it is full, and the files are read only. I am tryin to burn a
new cd, but am unable to do so.

please help, and if wrong forum, please post which one

Thomas Kuck

The letter 'R' means that it only writeable (Read only). After burning
the disk is finalized and you cannot do anything else with it but read
it. You will have to use a RW (Read-Write) disk if you want to make use
of it like a floppy disk. Utilities like 'Nero' have the option to make
your disk 'appendable', meaning you can add files later.

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